How do I place an order?The best way to place an order is to give us a call at (727) 724-6253, or email so we can find out exactly what you want. Together we can determine the product that is best for you and give you the most accurate quote. This also allows us to explain the artwork requirements, different fees associated with imprinting your product, and shipping and handling charges. Our website is a great way to search our products and get an idea of what you are looking for. Please don't hesitate to give us a call; we are more than willing to help you with a solid promotional program for your business.
Are the prices I see on your product catalog the only costs?There are additional fees involved in imprinting a product. There usually is a setup charge and depending on what type of imprint method your product requires there could be screen charges for each color you imprint, die charges, etc. Shipping and taxes are additional.
What is a Screen Charge?Most products require that a silk screen or plate be made in order to apply your custom imprint. If your artwork is more than one color, a screen must be made for each color. Screen charges are one-time charges per product, per imprint. New imprints will require new screens and charges.
Can you help with my artwork? Galaxy Promotions is dedicated to providing you with complete service. If you need help with your artwork we will do our best to assist you.
My logo is in the wrong format. Can you still work with what I have? We can redraw or reformat your artwork
What are acceptable formats, platforms and sizes for artwork?Preferred art formats are Vector Files in EPS, Bitmap or Raster Files and Acrobat Illustrator.
What is a Setup Charge?This is a nominal fee that applies to some orders with an imprint. This charge is for the labor it takes to calibrate the equipment or machinery that is doing the imprinting. Generally the price ranges from $25-$100 per color depending on the Supplier.
Can I get a sample of a product before ordering?Most items are available for sample, and most sample requests are free of charge. However, there may be a nominal fee on the more expensive items, or for shipping charges from the factory.
Can I see a sample of my imprint/logo, before it goes to press?We can send you a paper proof via email. Depending on the item, the factory may provide a production sample prior to going to press. Additional charges may apply for paper and production proofs.
How long will it take to get my order?Once your order is placed and the artwork has been approved - it may take 1-3 weeks before you receive your items. We can offer rush service on some items for a nominal charge. Rush charges vary per product and Supplier and will be applied to your order. Please be aware that some items cannot be rushed due to production schedules and the actual printing process.